
Detachment: The Key To Joy

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 5:3)

This verse is neither a romanticizing of economic poverty nor a demonization of wealth, but rather a formula for detachment.

Here I suggest a somewhat variant rendition of the verse: "How blessed are you if you are not attached to material things -- if you have not placed the goods that wealth can buy at the center of your concern."

When the kingdom of God is your ultimate concern, not only will you not be addicted to material things, you will in fact be able to use them with great effectiveness for God's purposes.

-- Fr. Barron

This short clip is a preview from episode two called "Happy Are We: The Teachings of Jesus". Fr. Barron talks about the key to joy by putting the beatitudes into terms we can understand clearly today.

The filming of Episode Two took Fr. Barron from the Mt. of Beatitudes in the Holy Land to Poland, New York, Madrid, and - in this particular preview - to the Cove Alliance orphanage near Kampala, Uganda.

For more info visit: WordOnFire