
You Are Blessed by God

What does it mean to have God’s blessing on your life? This is a question every individual needs to ask. The implications are enormous, once you understand what God’s blessing really involves. The blessing of God is powerful and life-changing, while the loss of God’s blessing is more serious than we have probably imagined. It will be fruitless to attempt to do something – even something great and noble - if the blessing of the Lord does not rest upon it. Yet with the blessing of the Lord, even our small steps of service will be taken far beyond what we could accomplish by our own effort alone. Every individual has gifts that God intends to use. Accompanied by His blessing, these gifts can have a powerful impact.

The blessing of the Lord is transforming, and is centered on Christ. The blessing of the Lord is not for selfish purposes - it is to touch the needy and the hurting, and to bring honor and praise to God. “Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise Him all creatures here below!” is a familiar doxology in many parts of the world. As we understand and experience the power of His blessing, may our lives bring glory to the source - the living God.


Before God formed you, He blessed and consecrated you.

Your are the beads of pearl nestled in the orient sea.
Like the colors of Eleazar's vestment you were clothed.
Deep blue sky and white clouds are colors in your firmament.
Colors of crimson and of gold your robe is adorned with.
With the sun and the stars, your cloth is woven.
With the Covenant you were sealed; making you His own.

You are greatly blessed; and your season is drawing near.
In and out, near and far, your seeds shall flourish.
Their fruits shall replenish and restore barren lands.
And when nations shall have seen your luster,
Eyes will see and ears will hear the Lord's glory.