
The good life is built with good relationships

What makes us happy and healthy as we go through life? If you want to invest in "the good life," where should you put your time and energy? Robert Waldinger answers these questions with lessons learned from a 75-year-long study of adult life that started in the late 1930s and continues to this day.

Good relationships are built on the foundation of the God-kind of love that is experienced and learned first-hand in the family. God established the family as an eternal institution of love. While good earthly relationships foster good earthly life, there is a life far more greater than good earthly life. It is a life that lasts throughout eternity and is built, first and foremost with our relationship with the Lord God which empowers us with the capacity to love (with the God-kind of love) our fellow human beings and also gives us the capacity to be able to love and care for God's creation as according to His ordination of mankind as the steward of it.