
A Heart To Love

"It's not much about what we are looking at. What really matters is what we see." --Anonymous

The eyes see only the obvious. Wisdom sees both the obvious and the not obvious. And what about love? It's not true that love is blind; for it sees everything. The thing is, love's nature and character drives itself to simply choose to accept despite and inspite of what it sees. --MMT

A Christian challenge to level up the kind of love we do:

"If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect." --Matthew 5:46-48


Life Is A Journey



When I was a little child and full of innocence, I heard stories about you.

When I became a boy and full of curiousity, I learned few things about you.

When I grew up as a youth and full of vibrancy, I discovered some things about you.

When I got matured as a young adult, my understanding about you created a desire in me to know you.

Now that I'm entering middle life, the wisdom I've learned from you makes me ask how much have I really known you. This drives a passion in me to experience a depth of you.

And... when I'll be in my final years, with the intimacy of the experience I would be having with you, I would be eagerly looking forward to the moment when I would ultimately be united and be one with you eternally.

Life is a journey to YOU.